Custom Designed Nanobubble Technology Delivered
Every successful application of nanobubble technology is an exploitation of one or more characteristic of the nanobubble itself. Examples of nanobubble characteristics can be found on our nanobubble explanation page.
Trident stands out from the industry by offering customers the capability to fine-tune their nanobubble generators to emphasize desired nanobubble characteristics, optimizing their efficiency to a specific applications.
As an example, in some cases that might mean creating nanobubble generators for Agriculture that produces a billion nanobubbles per ml with an average nanobubble size of 70nm. Or a nanobubble generator that creates millions of bubbles in 500nm size with a very strong zeta potential charge, which is ideally suited for hydrocarbon separation applications.
Customers that require a nanobubble solution to couple with their own technology can take advantage of these features to maximize their own technology's performance.
Customized nanobubble solutions opens a new dimension for industry that allows customers to achieve:
Maximum Efficiency Per Application: By emphasizing the nanobubble characteristic that achieves the greatest result, we help to reduce the time and energy to achieve a goal.
Flexibility: Trident solutions can be tailored to fit into existing workflows with minimal change, allowing customers to reduce implementation costs and complexity, while improving their processes.
Increased Innovation: When the only limitation is your imagination, customers can create more innovation and creative problem-solving ideas to the task. .
Businesses can work with nanobubble experts to develop their unique nanobubble solution to fit their specific needs. Working with experts like Trident can help businesses maximize their nanobubble investment with increased efficiency, reduced downtime, and less workflow changes.

The Variables
We work with clients like water bottlers, chemical manufacturers, pharmaceuticals, cement companies, and much more to help them achieve their product enhancement or product design goals. We can create nanobubble generators that have custom:
Nanobubble size distribution
Nanobubble quantity per ml
Zeta Potential
Specific gas transfer efficiency
Environmental considerations

The Physical Design
Changing the design & shape of our nanobubble generating membrane allows us to create solutions that are closely integrated to the application & power requirements of a solution.
Physical design modifications allows us to control:
Water pressure usage
Gas transfer flow rate
Optimize for gas transfer efficiency
Optimize for target bubble size
Create custom zeta potential water

The Nanobubble Design
Using proprietary methods unique to our nanobubble generating technology, Trident is able to control many aspects of the nanobubble quality that was previously unaddressable.
Control over the physical characteristics of the nanobubble allows us to tailor a bubble solution specifically designed for the challenge.
Our granular control over bubble dynamics is a game changing unique technology that Trident can offer select customers.
Customized Bubble Volume
Customized Bubble Size
Customized Zeta Potential
The Benefits of Custom Designed Solutions
Maximized efficiency across applications
Maximized performance regardless of challenge